Not very many toys on the market today can help toddlers mature by increasing their balance, gaining self-confidence, and having fun all at the same time. Luckily, the XIAPIA Toddler Balance Bike can introduce younger children to all the benefits of learning to ride a bike in a safe and parent-friendly manner.
This 3 in 1 toddler bike is the perfect way to get young children comfortable around bikes. For children under two, the bike can be used with the removable pedals and training wheels still on the bike. This way, they can learn to pedal without also having to concentrate on their balance as the rear training wheels provide stability.
Once toddlers have mastered pedaling with training wheels, you can remove the pedals and even the training wheels to teach your child the importance of balance while riding a bike. Riding in this mode will ensure that the toddler will not travel any faster than a walking pace on a flat surface. With some supervision to prevent falls, children will feel like they are "riding" a bike just like big kids!
The third mode of this toddler bike will be for bigger kids that have mastered the pedaling and balance to propel the bike and stay on it. Placing the removable pedals back on the bike takes just a minute and will have kids excited to try their new bike without the training wheels.
This bike will be your child's favorite toy this year. Endless hours of fun can be spent outdoors with your family watching your child learn how to ride a bike. Having children ride the bike in each mode will instill self-confidence when they "graduate" to the next level suitable for their age and abilities.
Bikes are available for purchase in either blue or pink. The bike frame is made of a solid carbon steel body for durability and ensuring product longevity. EVA lightweight wheels mean that they are easy to maintain and clean, and are safe for indoor surfaces for rainy days. The seat height is adjustable so the bike grows as your child grows, too.
The handlebars have a sturdy grip so that children have comfortable positioning for their hands. Although some assembly is required, most parents can assemble the bike in about ten minutes. And, when your child is ready to graduate to the next step, the pedals and training wheels are easy to remove and replace as needed.
While toddler around this age have a tendency to discard or forget toys as they grow, a well-built balance bike will be the one thing they want to always come back to. Whether picnicking with family at the park, taking part in a neighborhood bike parade, or camping with friends and family, there are so many instances in life where a toddler balance bike can be utilized. Plus, it introduces children to a fun way to lead a healthy lifestyle while enjoying outdoor recreation.
It's recommended that this bike is used for 1-4 year old baby using the bike under close adult supervision. Children should also wear a well-fitting helmet for safety.