The Baby Balance Bike For 1-2 Years is made of premium grade, child-safe components that will last for years. Its carbon steel frame structure is safe, sturdy, and durable. It features an ergonomic design with enclosed wheels to avoid pinching the baby's feet and no open spots or bolts where their little fingers can get stuck.making it a good fit for 1 year baby boy or girl birthday gift.
This compact balance bike has a turn limiter that prevents the handlebars from turning beyond 135 degrees, so your little one won't topple over. Its low ground clearance ensures that most kids can reach the ground so they can easily move around. The low saddle design also ensures that they won't get hurt even if your child falls off to the ground. We have no doubt your baby will be off and running in no time on this adorable Baby Balance Bike For 1-2 Years.
No pedals, fully enclosed wheels to avoid pinching the baby's feet
- The limited 135 degree rotation prevents the baby from falling down on its side
- Handlebars and wheels are environmentally friendly EVA materials
- Safe material carbon steel frame structure, sturdy and durable
- For ages 10-24 months(1-2 years old)
- Passed the CPSC certification of the U.S. testing laboratory, and also complies with ASTM and CE standards
Assembly required
- Packing size 19.29 x 9.76 x 7.09 inches
- Weight 4.84 pounds
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