A tricycle is always safer and easier for babies in early age to ride, compare to a balance bike. Its extra wheel and limited steering can keep your tension free about the safety of your kids while they enjoy their ride.
Driving a tricycle not only contributes to the faster development of coordination and balance, but also helps him/her gain confidence and independence.
Outstanding Design: This toddler tricycle with cute duck on handlebar and duck web pedals is super attractive to babies. Ideal gift for 1 year old girls and boys.
Safety Guaranteed: Tricycle has passed ASTM F963-17, CPSIA and EN71 tests, fully compliant with US & EU standards. BPA-Free, Lead-Free, non-toxic. 45° steering limited to avoid side falling. The metal frame is sturdy and long-lasting.
Enjoy Riding With Treasures: All babies have their favorite treasures that can't put down, then bring them in the storage bin and go for a ride! They can also put wonderful or memorable things found on the adventure in it. The non-slip handlebar and silent wheels provide a smooth riding experience.
Easy Installation: Tighten some screws and finish! Take less than 10 minutes for one adult to assemble it. No extra tools required.
Free Shipping on all order. After placing the order, it will take 5-8 working days to be delivered.For details,please refer to the shipping policy.
After receiving the product, it can be returned within 30 days. For details, please refer to the return policy.