3-in-1 Kids Tricycles For 1-4 Years is a perfect ride-on toy that will teach your child to push with their feet while still maintaining balance when sited. It has an ergonomic seat designed to absorb shock even when riding on rough surfaces and readjust as the kid grows.
The Toddler Balance Bike For 1-4 Years has low minimum seat height and low step-through ideal for young riders. This bike comes packed in a beautiful box which is why many parents and grandparents recommend it as an excellent gifts for first birthday.
Meet different needs during your kids' growth
- Training Wheels Mode for baby under 24 month
Detachable Pedal for early cycling fun
Balance Bike Mode for 2-4 years old kids
Adjustable Seat Height
The unique U-shaped carbon steel body has a damping function and can be used in conjunction with EVA widened silent wheels to absorb the shock generated when shifting on a non-vertical surface
- Anti-slip handlebars, adjustable seat and detachable training wheels and pedals
- For ages 1-4 years old
- Pedal or no pedal, suitable for children 10-24 months old
- The training wheel mode used is a balance bike mode suitable for children aged 2-4
Assembly required
- Maximum load capacity up to 70 pounds
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After receiving the product, it can be returned within 30 days. For details, please refer to the return policy.